This website is my way of aligning my love, purpose and my drive to that of so many others who want to impact our world in a positive way. I want to nudge parenting towards an experience of growing and of having fun, of accepting what has been and of taking responsibility for what will happen in the future and of feeling confident and strong.

For a world motivated by cooperation, growth and love. To reach as many children as possible with empowering scripting to allow them to continue to shine, act courageously and bravely bring positive change.

By being relentlessly true to our personal development and strongly committed to becoming all we can be will we walk our talk and lead by example – failing, succeeding, celebrating and vulnerably sharing.



  • To light a beacon on the message of hope. – With hope comes the courage to try.
  • To empower parents with a growth mindset so that the fact that there are no failures will become their truth. – With courage to try and a mindset of never accepting failure comes inevitable success.
  • To provide tools/strategies that are working. – With proven strategies inevitable success will come much sooner!
  • By continuously providing examples of the inspiring and informative actions and beliefs that already bring positive change.
  • By providing a safe community, based on transparency and honesty, where parents can share vulnerably and inspire each other to try new things, to admit if something is not good enough, to voice uncertainty and get support in forming new goals, beliefs, routines and where we can celebrate each other’s success.

What about the Lions reference? 
Did you know that the word for a flock of lion is a “pride”? I love that!

The reasons I relate to the Mother of Lions are many. Firstly there is an expression in the Swedish language, “being a Mother of lions” describing a woman acting forcefully in protection of her children. It relates to the, sometimes unreasonable, drive for protecting your child from emotional as well as physical pain. You know the feeling, the one that makes you actually want to pinch that little 7 year old boy for breaking up with your daughter even though you in truth know that it is part of life, or the one that although you normally are a loving and truly caring person makes you want to run after that woman, in the car that just passed inches from your child much too fast, and tell her some hard truths about driving and overall human behavior.


I love lions and the other large cats. They are strong and regal, proud and confident in their roles. They live in harmony with nature and they rely on the pride to prosper. They teach their young by leading as an example and they let their cubs play to learn about life. Lions also know when to rest – have you ever seen rest like how a lion does it? It’s utterly relaxed!

I believe that we humans can rely on each other in raising our children the same way lionesses do in their pride if we are brave enough to ask for the help.

There are some aspects of relating to Lions that I don’t really agree with… Like the fact that there can only be one male lion in a pride. I strongly believe that fathers are as important to children as mothers are. Lions also seem to be eating an all meat based diet.. I like some vegetables with my steak 😉

What will Mother of Lions be for you?

A place to find information and inspiration to become the best parent for your children. On the website share reading recommendations, lifehacks and blog posts about personal development, parenting and family life. You can also find Mother of Lions on Facebook; . I’m posting the blogs there.

Take a look under Caution to read the beliefs and values I am basing this work on.