MotherOfLions is online


It’s that time. The time to Step up! To gently but firmly push fear back in the passenger seat and just Do! Motheroflions is online!

My name is Jenny. Some of you already know me – I’m glad you’re here! 😀 Some of you reading this have no idea what to expect or who I am. Short version; I’m the voice behind MotherOfLions.

This blog and website is my labor of love. My way of making sense of everything I’ve learnt and continue to learn about living and about parenting. I apply the theory of CNI to my life and my personal development. CNI, a term used in the IT business where I come from, is short for Constant Never-ending Improvement. The search for answers continues and I hope that many will join me on the hunt!

In this blog I will share what I’ve learnt, what I now know NOT to do and all the treasures I find in books, online and in my everyday experiences. I promise you honesty and transparency. I promise to cheer for and support you on your journey on becoming even better and more. I commit to you a weekly blog post focused on personal development and parenting. The posts will contain stories, facts and references to books/podcasts/websites so you can find even more information. They will be actionable as often as possible since knowledge without action is worth pretty much nothing.

The Cubs

The first Blog post from MotherofLions could not be published without an introduction of the cubs. They are the source of it all J I’ve thought long and hard about this blog in terms of their integrity. “How much of our lives I should share?” I believe that they are old enough to decide and they will always have the last say about all content I publish.

I’ve asked them to write short introductions and tell you about who they are. They are both learning English but for now I will translate 🙂


”My name is Linnea. My mom asked me to write a post and it seemed like fun so I thought “Why not”.

I’m a weirdo according to… the people that have met me. I’m not very fond of potatoes, sauce, lasagna, sausages, home-made food, most pizzas and pretty much everything else that other people like. I blame my parents for this. It’s a long story that my parents and I have made up as an excuse. I don’t feel like writing it down.

I often feel like a neat freak but my room is always a mess.. mostly because I always Start to clean it and start sorting stuff but I lose interest before I’m done. My patience in school is almost inhuman but my patience at home is another thing all together. I fight a lot with my sister, more than I would say is normal. But like that saying goes “the closer you are to someone the more you fight”.. right?..

I’m usually in a bad mood in the mornings and after school and I’m especially irritable when everyone else seems to be in a good mood. It’s a mystery why I get angry, not even close to the mystery around boys but still a mystery. Maybe I get angry because I know there really isn’t anything to get angry about and I’m just trying to live up to my “almost teenage duty”.

Most of my free time I spend reading, playing games on my IPad, watching movies and writing loooooong lists of things I want to do and trips I want to go on but that I won’t be able to experience until I can pay for them myself.

But I’m not complaining.

I have a wonderful family and friends, a roof over my head, food on the table, unlimited access to Youtube.. what else could I wish for? Maybe a task or mission of some sort. My mom is doing some redecoration at home right now and longs for a chance to just sit still, I long for something important to do.

But that is the only thing I can think of that I’d like to change.

I’m lucky.”


”My name is Emelie and I am Jenny’s youngest daughter. I don’t read very much but i like to write. I would like it if we’d try to cook some new dishes at home, because we eat like only 6 different kinds, but it’s hard to come up with something you think you could like. In school I’m learning English and I’ve just started with craft because I’m in third grade now.

I often fight with my sister and I know that I can be teasing sometimes.. or almost always actually.. but I still have fun with her. My mom or dad usually wake me up so we can eat breakfast. Then we get ready and go to school.

I like to sing, dance and to climb. I wish I was older so I was allowed to go home right after classes ends and so I could decide more things.

Mom asked me how I feel about that she share our life online. I think it’s cool and good that people can read about how not to fight so much and about helping out at home and about being kind. It’s good that mom won’t post anything without checking with me first and that she can erase if I want her to delete something.”