Current quick facts

Name: Jenny Rydén
Age: 41 years young

Lives: Close to Stockholm, Sweden, in a 3 bedroom apartment

Family: Two daughters, Linnea (2006) and Emelie (2008). Since the separation from their father in 2013 the girls live with me every other week.

Job: I earn my income as a part time (80%) self-employed IT consultant.

Life: Apart from working I spend my time on my monsters (the girls ;)), Mother of Lions, personal development (parenting, mental fitness, financial freedom, feminine/masculine energies, and physical health), exercising, and enjoying life with my family and my close friends.

Loves: Laughing, well-cooked healthy food, unfortunately also chocolate and ice cream, reading bedtime stories (when there is enough time – otherwise it’s on my Not so much loving it-list), learning, interacting with people on the same path as me, setting goals and celebrating them, massages, dinner with close friends. I also love my sister, my parents and my daughters!

Why Mother of Lions?

For as long as I can remember I’ve been curious about and fascinated by personal development. When I was young I didn’t know that personal development was a concept and I didn’t talk about it in those terms. In the beginning I was just driven to find answers to why some people seemed to be happy, energetic and successful and some people felt so badly about their lives and couldn’t make changes for themselves.

I am lucky to have been raised with the belief that I am responsible for my life – “If something doesn’t feel right for you then change it!”. This belief has lead me on a search for answers. But I struggled with the tools and the beliefs that I would need to succeed in life.

Yeah, okay, I’m not happy with the way I’m feeling about myself, my body, my job, my relationships and it’s up to me to change. But how!?

This curiosity mingled with frustration has powered my search for over 25 years now. I’m still looking, will always be redefining, testing and adjusting my beliefs and strategies, but nowadays I’m really enjoying the Hunt. Few things give me more pleasure than getting, or contributing to others so that they get, that “aha moment” where it all just makes sense, where you realize a pattern of thought or a belief that is holding you back and when you find a new way of thinking that makes you feel so much better and therefore makes all your actions so much easier.

I’m fighting my own fixed mindset, Ref: The book “Mindset” by Carol Dweck, and working hard to open up to life and to learning. Mother of Lions is a way for me to interact with the world with vulnerability, transparency and strength so that I can continue to work on my growth mindset and to prove to myself that I can impact the world in a positive way. If I can inspire just one parent to make a change for the better in his or her family then I will have reached my primary goal! It is also a selfish endeavor in another way; I want more information and inspiration for my own development and for my own family 🙂


Want to give me feedback, ask or tell me something? Drop me an e-mail or find me on Facebook!